buen camino – pt. II

A little update my lovely TPacks fam ❤

The sewing machine shall get some time off 🙂.
There´s one "ready made" pack available & she is all packed up and ready to be shipped anytime.
Swing by the shop for more.
I will still be available through email & the socials - if you´re up for a new pack or have any questions feel free to reach out... I just can´t sew right now 🙂.

After a wonderful camino along the portuguese coast
some ~ 716km in January - it felt just so wrong for it to be..."over".
So here Iam, I was going to start from my doorstep, Munich all the way down to Santiago tho my heart draws me right to the coast & not just that.
Iam the "I ma just gonna wing it day by day" dude tho I´ve found myself checking out a few stages If I was going to start from here and the limited spontaneity (most likely still due to covid) accomodation wise + the comparatively high prices therefore made me to switch things around a bit 🙂.
I´ll be taking the train to Paris, early tomorrow morning catching up with a friend I´ve met in Birma in 2017 and then continue on down to the border from where I will start my journey the day after.
Attempting another camino, along the spanish coast this time.
Why?! I do not know & guess what I don´t even care - it just feels like I have to ❤
Listen to your heart & follow ...

If you wanna tap along once more - feel free todo so. I will share some stories along the way and post some photos.
@tiger_powers it is.

Until then, buen camino you lovely peeps out there



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